5 best DOTA 2 Arcanas and where to get them

Publish date: 2024-06-25

Arcana in DOTA 2 is one of the rarest forms of cosmetics available in-game that players would love to get a hold of. They bring an edge of elegance to how the heroes look and their abilities while featuring a number of changes to the animation, particle effects, sounds, and more.

Among the more than 120 DOTA 2 heroes playable in the game, Valve has released Arcanas for only 22 of them, with the latest being the Voidstorm Asylum Bundle for Razor. Players have had a say on many of them through the Arcana voting available during Battle Passes.

This article looks at the five best Arcanas from the mix and if and how players can acquire them.

5 best DOTA 2 Arcanas that players will love to get a hold of

1) The Eminence of Ristul Bundle

Released in 2020, for many, this is one of the best cosmetic bundles that has been released for DOTA 2 heroes. The Eminence of Ristul Bundle follows Akasha, the Queen of Pain's return to the Court of Ristul. She intends to claim the throne and, in order to do so, strikes a bargain with an exiled demon prince and gains new powers.

The Eminence of Ristul bundle perfectly captures the essence of torment and domination that Queen of Pain exudes. It comes with a new model adorned with demonic looks, a whip, custom animations, effects, and over five hundred exclusive voice lines. The bundle also has an unlockable second style that brings forth a different color theme.

The Queen of Pain Arcana was situated at Level 445 on the 2020 DOTA 2 Battle Pass. Those who missed the chance to pick it up will sadly not be able to buy it since the bundle is neither purchasable nor will it drop. One can only hope that Valve makes it available later on through some means.

2) The Magus Cypher

Rubick, the Grand Magus, was the winner of the Arcana vote in The International 2018 Battle Pass. The Magus Cypher bundle was dropped at the Frosthaven DOTA 2 event in December of the same year. The Magus Cypher tells the tale of Rubick being able to "toy with the boundaries of arcane artistry" and "reshaping the world of magic he sees fit."

The Magus Cypher bundle gave the hero a new model with particle effects and animation exuding magic. The most interesting aspect of the bundle is the fact that it adds custom animation and particle effects for stolen spells, which can be unlocked by winning games with Rubick.

The Magus Cypher bundle can be purchased in-game and from the Steam marketplace. It is one of the most unique cosmetics present in DOTA 2 and Rubick spammers would love to get their hands on it.

3) Manifold Paradox

With the Manifold Paradox bundle, Phantom Assassin looks further menacing than usual. The animation effects add to the mystique surrounding the DOTA 2 hero, and the weapon effects justify the bundle being an Arcana. The latter has three unlockable styles which change the color theme. Killing an enemy with Manifold Paradox leaves a Paradox Memorial where the enemy dies.

The Manifold Paradox bundle came after the hero won the 2014 Arcana vote. It came out the same year in November. The Arcana for Phantom Assassin is available through the in-game and Steam Marketplace.

4) Demon Eater

It's been more than half a decade since the Arcana for Shadow Fiend came out in 2014. The glowing daemonic makeover comes from Shadow Fiend learning the price and gift that comes from stealing the souls of demons. The changes that the Arcana made to the basic model of the DOTA 2 hero further the hero's fearsome presence.

The Demon Eater bundle is a great example of what any Arcana brings to the hero. It is available through the in-game and Steam Marketplace.

5) Bladeform Legacy

Coming as the 2016 Arcana vote winner, Bladeform Legacy was the awakening of ancient souls in the Juggernaut's mask. The hero's body is in an ethereal form with two variants - Legacy and Origins with their respective color themes. The Arcana bundle brings a Dragon Spirit ancestor to help Juggernaut in times of need.

The Arcana brings various new animation and particle effects to Juggernaut, including for teleport, victory, kill effect, Omnislash, Bladefury, and crits. The altered voice also adds to the immersion for the players. Like all but one cosmetic bundle on the list, Bladeform Legacy can be purchased in the in-game and Steam Marketplace.

Special Mention: Benevolent Companion

The Benevolent Companion perfectly bridged the lore between DOTA 2 and Portal, drawing inspiration from the iconic Weighted Companion Cube from the latter. Given the little that the developers had to work with, the Arcana was a work of art. It brings custom animations for each of IO's skills and deaths while adding little hearts to a box model for the hero.

As per recent leaks, the next two Arcanas that players may see in the delayed Battle Pass for The International 2022 are Faceless Void and Skywrath Mage. Fans have long been clamoring for the former, and support players will be happy to see the latter.

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