5 materials to farm for Klee before her banner arrives in Genshin Impact 1.6 update

Publish date: 2024-08-09

Klee's rerun banner in Genshin Impact has almost arrived and players will finally have another shot at getting the powerful Spark Knight of Mondstadt.

Klee is an absolute powerhouse, and her status as one of the strongest DPS characters in Genshin Impact still stands even after eight months. Players who are fans of Klee or who require a powerful Pyro DPS will definitely want to wish on this upcoming banner.

Players will need Mora, EXP books and the right Ascension materials if they want to max their Klee as soon as possible.

Genshin Impact 1.6: Materials to farm for Klee

Leveling a character in Genshin Impact follows stages of Ascension, which require specific items to push a character further. Each stage costs a certain amount of Mora and EXP to reach, and characters cap out at level 90. Klee requires several items for her Ascensions, most of which can be found in Mondstadt, but some will require players to take on Domains and Bosses to farm.

#1: Agnidus Agates and Everflame Seeds

(Image via Genshin Impact)

Agnidus Agates are primarily acquired by defeating the Pyro Regisvine, though players may get some chunks by defeating the Primo Geovishap or Weekly Bosses.

Players will need plenty of these to ascend their Klee to max rank, with 1 Agnidus Agate Slivers, 9 Agnidus Agate Fragments, 9 Agnidus Agate Chunks, and 6 Agnidus Agate Gemstones to complete their Ascensions.

Players can also craft these by using Azoth Dust and converting their other gemstones into Agnidus Agates.

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(Image via Genshin Impact)

Players will also need a large amount of Everflame Seeds, which they can farm by defeating the Pyro Regisvine. Players will need 46 of these Seeds to fully Ascend their Klee.

#2: Philameno Mushrooms

(Image via Genshin Impact)

Players can find these Philanemo Mushrooms growing along the sides of most houses in Mondstadt, and taking a trip around the city will reward players with plenty of these mushrooms for Klee. Players will need to gather 168 to fully max out their Klee.

#3: Freedom Talent Books

(Image via Genshin Impact )

Players will need to head to the Domain of Mastery: Frosted Altar to farm Freedom talent books for their Klee, as they will need 9 Teachings of Freedom, 63 Guide to Freedom, and 114 Philosophies of Freedom to fully level their Klee's talents.

This includes using a Crown on every talent, so F2P players may need less books for their Klees.

#4: Sealed, Divining, and Forbidden Curse Scrolls

(Image via Genshin Impact)

These scrolls are dropped by the element wielding Samachurls that dot the landscape of Genshin Impact and players will need to farm them if they want these Ascension materials for Klee. They will need a whole lot of these scrolls to level both her Ascension and her talents, as players will need 18 Sealed Scrolls, 30 Divining Scrolls, and 36 Forbidden Curse Scrolls just to fully level Klee.

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#5 Mora and EXP Books

(Image via Genshin Impact)

Of course, as with everything in Genshin Impact, players will need plenty of Mora. They will also need EXP materials like Hero's Wits, which they can farm from Leylines. Players can spend any additional Resin they have on Leylines to max out their Mora and EXP materials before Klee arrives. They can also partake in events, as they usually provide lots of extra materials.

Special Mention:

(Image via Genshin Impact)

Players should also make sure to take down Andrius every week to get a shot at the Ring of Boreas, as they will need this material to ascend their Klee's talents. With the new Dream Solvent item added, collecting these is much easier as players can exchange their unneeded materials for the Ring of Boreas, but they should still make sure to farm the boss whenever possible.

Players will also need to use Crowns of Insight if they want to fully max Klee's talents, and these are only purchaseable from Event Shops, so players must keep an eye out for these rare materials.

Also read: Genshin Impact 1.6 live stream date and time revealed for all regions

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