A Tale of Twins shot? Filming locations of Netflix's Colombian series explored

Publish date: 2024-08-15

The upcoming Colombian TV series titled Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins will premiere on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, on Netflix. This series will showcase the exploits of a professional biker who takes the identity of her dead twin sister, in order to seek vengeance from her killers.

Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins was entirely shot in Colombia itself, mostly in the city of Bogotá and the Department of Cundinamarca. The show stars Juanita Molina, Zharick León, Camila Rojas, Kevin Bury, Juan Manuel Guilera, Alejandro Buitrago, Emmanuel Esparza, Fernando Arévalo, David Palacio and Nicolas Quiroga.

A closer look at the filming locations of Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins

1) Bogotá, Colombia

Bogotá is the busy city capital of Colombia and is located in the southeastern part of the Bogotá savanna. Both interior and exterior scenes were shot by the production team traveling all across the city.

This means several iconic landmarks and attractions like BD Bacatá, La Candelaria, the Museum of Gold, Monserrate Sanctuary, etc. will be shown in the series.

The city was the home base for several film and TV projects in the past like, Maria Full of Grace, Tropical Snow, and The Marked Heart and has a rich history and cultural significance as it was established on August 6, 1538, by Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada.

Bogota is Columbia's most populous city and also has the highest nominal GDP in the nation.

2) Cundinamarca Department, Colombia

Unlike the USA, states in Colombia are known as departments. The country is made up of thirty-two departments, among which are Amazonas, Bolívar, Caquetá, Guainía, Cundinamarca, Guaviare, Huila, Magdalena, Norte de Santander, Risaralda etc.

The Cundinamarca Department covers an area of 8735 square miles and as of 2018, its population was 2,919,060. Bogota is technically not a part of this department, however, the city is considered as its capital.

Several important scenes were shot around Club Hato Grande Golf & Tennis Country at Carretera Central del Norte Km 27 Sector in the municipality of Sopó in Cundinamarca.

Some of the most well-known tourist destinations of the Cundinamarca Department are Chingaza National Natural Park, La Chorrera Falls, Cucunubá, Lake Guatavita, Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá, Sumapaz Páramo, Tequendama Falls and Tominé Reservoir.

Some scenes were even filmed in the city and municipality of Facatativa, best known for being the home to Piedras del Tunjo Archaeological Park.

Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins, released dates, synopsis and other details

Here is the official trailer for the Colombian TV series,

Here are Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins's different release timings for different time zones across the world:

The official synopsis of the series, according to Netflix reads:

"A competitive biker takes on the identity of her long-lost identical twin sister to bring her killers to justice and get the truth behind their separation."

Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins will premiere on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, on Netflix.

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