Akainu vs Kuma ends too soon while Luffy pulls out all thestopsagainstKizaru

Publish date: 2024-08-11

One Piece chapter 1092's raw scans were released on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, bringing with them an early look at the issue itself beyond text-based spoilers. While the upcoming installment certainly seems exciting, nothing is considered canonical until Shueisha officially releases the issue next week.

That being said, both the text-based spoilers and the raw scan spoilers typically come from trustworthy sources that have historically been proven accurate more often than not. As a result, fans are excitedly discussing One Piece chapter 1092's events, which primarily focus on Luffy and Kizaru's fight heating up in truly unexpected ways.

However, One Piece chapter 1092 also features a wholly unexpected focus in addition to the happenings at Egghead Island, which fans are incredibly excited about. Although it's unclear what the focus will be for the series' immediate future, this upcoming release sets the stage for Egghead Island's climactic finale.

One Piece chapter 1092 raw scans see Akainu showing no mercy to Bartholomew Kuma before the latter disappears

Mariejois as seen in the series' anime (Image via Toei Animation)

One Piece chapter 1092's raw scans begin with a cover page, which features Jinbe swimming with some fish in an unknown sea. The issue then cuts to Mariejois, where Bartholomew Kuma has arrived and is being restrained by some rank-and-file soldiers. Kuma uses his Devil Fruit powers to free himself and incapacitate his captors before being confronted by Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, the former Admiral Akainu.

Akainu says something to Kuma as a crowd of Celestial Dragons who are seemingly injured begin arriving at the scene, seemingly yelling at Akainu. Kuma and Akainu appear to briefly talk before the latter uses his Devil Fruit powers to melt half of the former's face off. Akainu then melts off one of Kuma's legs, prompting Kuma to use his Devil Fruit powers on himself to teleport away.

One Piece chapter 1092 sees Akainu think back to when he captured Jewelry Bonney two years prior before musing on the current state of Mariejois in the present. The issue then cuts back to Egghead Island, where the Mark III Pacifistas are continuing their assault on the Weaponized Sea Beasts. While some Marine ships appear to have sunk, the fleet is still largely intact.

The perspective then shifts to Monkey D. Luffy versus Admiral Kizaru, where the former is already in his Gear 4 Snakeman form. Kizaru still appears to be in his base form but is seemingly using Armament Haki on his hands. As Luffy launches an attack, Kizaru retreats to the skies outside of Egghead Island, then begins racing back towards Luffy at lightspeed.

One Piece chapter 1092's raw scans see Luffy cover his eyes so as not to be blinded by the light, which allows Kizaru to land a direct hit with a kick. Luffy is sent flying into and through the Vegaforce-01 robot, tearing it in half at the waist as he continues flying to the edge of the Frontier Dome defense system. An explosion can be seen where Luffy is as he reaches the defense system's boundary.

Thankfully, Franky, Jewelry Bonney, Vegapunk Lilith, and the Thousand Sunny all appear to be uninjured in the attack's aftermath. The trio then runs towards the Sunny as something explodes behind them, suggesting the Vegaforce-01 has been completely destroyed. Kizaru then approaches the group, saying something to Bonney, which goads her into attacking him.

One Piece chapter 1092's raw scans then see Kizaru kick her to the edge of the Frontier Dome defense system, as he just did with Luffy, with an explosion also happening at the boundary. Franky begins charging his Radical Beam to fire at Kizaru, but the Admiral disappears, prompting him to call Dr. Vegapunk and the others in the Control Room.

However, he's too late, as Kizaru is shown to have already arrived, to the shock of everyone present. However, in the chapter's final pages, a giant Gear 5 Luffy bursts through the roof of the control room, scooping up Kizaru in his hand, to everyone's shock. The chapter ends with the giant ancient robot seen earlier in the arc having its eyes glow as it hears the Drums of Liberation, otherwise known as Luffy's heartbeat in Gear 5 form.

Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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