Benefits of Eating Banana

Publish date: 2024-07-18

Bananas are produced in abundance and you can get it any time of the year. It is an excellent source of a number of vitamins and minerals. It is packed with fiber and antioxidants that help to make you feel full for a long time and also get rid of the free radicals in the body. It is extremely nutritious and is one of the most convenient snacks to have. It offers lots of health benefits and those are discussed below:

1. Powerhouse of Nutrients

Bananas are full of important nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. It is loaded with potassium, iron, folate, magnesium, riboflavin, etc. that helps in the proper functioning of the body. Here are some nutritional facts you should know about bananas:

With so many health benefits, it is essential that you include bananas in your regular diet. You will be able to lead a healthy life by getting protection from various diseases.

2. Helps to Lose Weight

Bananas are rich in fiber that helps to slow down digestion and keeps you full for a long time. So, you will consume fewer calories that will help to lose weight.

It is a less known fact that the smell of bananas helps to suppress appetite. So, if you are hungry, smelling bananas can trick your brain into thinking that you have eaten a banana.  Thus, you will eat less and lose weight.

3. Controls Diabetes

Bananas contain pectin and the unripe bananas contain resistant starch which helps to maintain blood sugar levels after meals.

If you are suffering from type 2 diabetes, then you should eat unripe bananas more than well-ripened bananas in order to maintain your blood sugar levels.

4. Good for Heart Health

As banana is a high-fiber food, it is very good for the heart as it can lower the chances of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.

Bananas are rich in useful vitamins and minerals that are good for the heart. So, you can reduce the chances of heart problems by consuming banana regularly.

5. Helps Fight Anemia

Anemia can lead to fatigue, shortness of breath, paleness, etc. and lead to serious diseases. Bananas are rich in iron and, as a result, are good for people who are suffering from anemia.

Iron is responsible for transferring oxygen to our cells. Deficiency in iron will cause weight loss and slow down metabolism. So, you should consume bananas regularly to fight anemia.

6. Helps Fight Cancer

Consuming bananas regularly can reduce the chances of childhood leukemia. It can also prevent other types of cancers.

Cancer is a deadly disease and one of the easiest ways to prevent it is including bananas in your regular diet.

7. Digestive Health

If you are suffering from diarrhea, then eating a banana can ease your condition. During diarrhea, electrolytes like potassium are lost in huge amounts and eating bananas can help to restore the lost potassium content in the body.

Bananas help to slow down the speed of digestion by soothing the digestive tract and so prevent any problems related to digestion. It can also restore the lost minerals after diarrhea and therefore, you must have bananas if you have diarrhea. As it is easy to digest, it is one of the first solid foods that are introduced to babies.

8. Improves Brain Health

Bananas contain the amino acid Tryptophan that helps in preserving memory and boosting mood. It can help you overcome depression as Tryptophan is converted to Serotonin which is the mood-elevating brain neurotransmitter. Tryptophan also has sleep-inducing properties.

If you are suffering from depression, anxiety or other mental disorders, then eating banana can help you feel relaxed and stress-free.

9. Improves Vision

Bananas contain vitamin A that helps to protect the eyes in a number of ways and these are discussed below:

Beta carotene, Lutein and vitamin E in bananas are eye-healthy and so you can prevent a number of diseases that can disrupt your normal vision.

10. Improves Athletic Performance

Athletes often have sports drinks to replenish energy and electrolytes. But you can get the same benefits by eating bananas.

You will see that the marathoners eat a banana during and after the race. As it is rich in glucose, it is easily digestible and provides the optimal energy for the marathoner to run. Bananas are considered to be the perfect food for the athletes.

You can eat bananas raw or make refreshing smoothies with it. When you buy bananas, make sure that you pick those that are slightly firm. As bananas ripe very quickly, it’s better to buy them in small quantities so that you can eat them fresh. Banana is usually taken as breakfast and they are great for the children and adults as well. It is also very beneficial for pregnant women as it prevents gestational diabetes. One of the major reasons for gestational diabetes is lack of sleep and banana contains Tryptophan and Magnesium that helps to ensure a good night’s sleep. So, everyone should include bananas in their regular diet to get amazing health benefits from it.
