How to fix white screen error in Madden 23

Publish date: 2024-07-14

Since its release on August 19, 2022, Madden 23 has been marred by several bugs and technical issues. While most of these bugs have been addressed with updates, a few remain a major source of player frustration.

One such bug is the infamous "white screen error," which is usually preceded by an error code. Gamers cannot resolve this issue despite reinstalling or restarting the console. While this bug has only been identified on PlayStation 5, it may pop up on other platforms.

This article will elucidate on relevant fixes for this issue.

Troubleshooting the white screen error in Madden 23

Gamers have noted that restarting their consoles, reinstalling the game, or even resetting their internet connection has no effect on the bug. Fortunately, user Overclocked_Koa from the EA Technical Issues Forum has shared a relatively simple solution, which is detailed below:

These simple steps should solve this issue for PlayStation 5 owners of Madden 23. However, if the issue still persists, file a support ticket to the EA Support Team.

Additionally, no patch or bug fix for the problem has been released yet, with Electronic Arts not having acknowledged it as of writing this article.

What is the PlayStation 5?

The PlayStation 5 is a home entertainment video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. This ninth-generation console is the successor to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro. It was launched on November 12, 2020, in a limited number of markets, followed by a worldwide release in 2021.

The console is Sony’s latest and greatest, boasting improved horsepower and an exclusive library of AAA blockbusters to satisfy the palette of every gamer.

The console comes in two flavors, a digital-only edition as well as a standard one that comes equipped with a disc drive. The PlayStation 5 has seen great success recently, with over 20 million units sold worldwide.

What is Madden 23?

Madden 23 is an American football video game developed by EA Tiburon and published by Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. It is the latest installment in the iconic, long-running Madden NFL series, named after John Madden - the late head coach and broadcaster for the NFL.

Madden 23 follows fans as they control their very own NFL franchise and make their way to the top, all the while dealing with real-life scenarios such as acquiring players via contract or negotiating salaries.

The title was released worldwide on August 19, 2022, to mixed reviews, with critics generally praising the overall subtle improvements in gameplay while criticizing the stagnating nature of the franchise.

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