Jennifer Aniston: If I respond to fake stories itll make them worse

Publish date: 2024-07-02

Jennifer Aniston knows that responding to all the stupid stories the media makes up about her is like picking a wound – it goes away faster if you leave it alone. The 39 year-old actress told Hello! Magazine that there are all sorts of ridiculous tales told about her but that she can’t refute them or the media will spin it out of control:

Does the constant focus on your private life ever become a major distraction for you?
“[Laughs] it can be frustrating because you hear so many ridiculous stories and things which are just plain lies, and you want to go on the record but you can’t because it just inflames things more. I’m so used to it now I don’t pay attention. I just live my life, focus on my work and stick to that plan. I really don’t worry about what’s written about me. It’s part of the business and you learn to move on, enjoy yourself, do some good work. I keep it simple that way.”

[From Hello! Magazine, print edition, September 23, 2008]

Aniston spoke in general terms about feeling happy and secure in her life. When we covered another interview she did with Hello! just a month ago, commenter czarina mentioned that Aniston has a “Hallmark card” way of speaking. That definitely comes through again this time:

With your work in Friends and your film career, you’ve achieved a level of success that few actors ever experience. Do you feel more secure in life because of that?
“I don’t think success has anything to do with making me secure in my life. I think my personal, emotional experiences give me the ability to be more secure with who I am. In terms of success, I’ve been very blessed… but it’s not what makes you happy. That comes from within, from your friends and from how you live your life and evolve with it.”

What do you think are some of the main lessons you’ve learned about life over the past few years?
“That’s a big question… I think I’ve discovered an inner strength I always knew I had but you never know what you can endure until you go through different kinds of experiences. I found that I can deal with whatever the world throws at me, and that gives you a good feeling and perspective on life. I try to be happy and not worry too much about things. I have a good life.”

The actress also talked typecasting and people’s expectations of her post-Friends. She has plenty of films coming up, with Management and Marley and Me out later this year, He’s Just Not That Into You out next year, and at least five projects in the works with her new production company through a partnership with Universal. Aniston is not going away and she’s going to keep plugging away at it and trying different roles:

Do you feel more comfortable doing romantic comedies like this [Management]?
“I enjoy these kinds of stories but I’m not fixated on only one kind of film. Sometimes I feel it’s difficult to break out of what audiences might expect from me because I’m identified more with these kinds of films. But it’s up to me to find the right movies where I can make people accept me playing other kinds of characters.”

Talking of which, you have a much more dramatic role coming up in a love story called Traveling, starring opposite Aaron Eckhart. What can you tell us about that?
“It’s the kind of film that’s very liberating for me because you can throw yourself into a completely different kind of character, drawing on different emotions and different parts of yourself.
“Even though I’m not known for doing very heavy dramatic roles, I like to be able to upset expectations.”

I enjoyed Aniston in Friends, she was easily my favorite character, but the films she’s done since have sucked. She’s really going to have to step it up if she wants to change the public’s perception of the roles she can carry. She may succeed in that through her production company.

Aniston definitely talks in platitudes, but she still sounds sincere to me – like the pep talks are as much for herself as for the public and that’s how she gets through the tough times in life. I’m a person who can read those “Chicken Soup” books with a straight face and get something out of them, though. That type of wisdom is trite for a reason.

Jennifer Aniston is shown at the Toronto Film Festival on 9/7/08. Credit: WENN
