Porcelain Black teases new details about her music

Publish date: 2024-07-12

US-singer Porcelain Black is back on track and took to her social media pages last night to share her ongoing efforts and work progress in the studio.

After premiering the first verse of one of her new songs called “Hurt” (an incredibly smooth and sexy sounding track) on her Instagram page last November, she posted the following picture of her with the caption “Going into the studio today to finish “Hurt”. Second verse cold AF that’s why they call me the ice queen“.


As if the first verse wasn’t good enough already, this proclamation makes it even more unbearable to wait for the finished product.

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Luckily, there’s more good news for the singer’s fans. Since our last article about her, the Detroit native revealed many more interesting facts about her upcoming debut album on Twitter.

For starters, she shared the fact that the Grammy-winning producer Rich Skillz, who previously worked with Ludacris and Robin Thicke on their respective records, helped create the sound of her upcoming release. According to her Twitter, he produced her potential lead single “Reload”, as well as two more tracks titled “Make My P*ssy Sing” and “What It Feels Like”.

This means that we now know the titles to at least eight songs that could possibly end up being on her new album: “Reload”, “Hurt”, “Make My Pssy Sing”, “What It Feels Like”, Fck My Makeup Off”, “Player Hater”, “Paper”, and “Too Much of Not Enough”.

According to recent tweets, her new music is full of “catchy goodness” and edgy pop songs that stay true to her Detroit origin. As far as we could judge by the snippets, this statement is very, very correct.

Porcelain Black also revealed that she is almost finished making the album but will continue recording some new tracks until she is 100 percent happy with the result.

We at CelebMix wish her just the best and are very excited for the finished product.

If you want to know more about Porcelain Black, you can follow her on Twitter (@PorcelainBlack), on Instagram or listen to her songs on Spotify.

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