Priyanka Chopra: Im a very curvy woman. I like my curves. I embrace them

Publish date: 2024-08-01

Brad Pitt visits the Biennale while out in Venice

Priyanka Chopra covers the latest issue of InStyle, and it’s a lovely, striking cover. She is a beautiful woman, but I always found her to be kind of a boring interview? Especially before she fell for Nick Jonas, her interviews weren’t that great. This one is okay though – she talks about Nick a lot, and the backlash to their wedding extravaganza, and a lot more. My favorite part is when she talks about saris and how there should classic Indian style should be. Some highlights:

On happiness: “Obviously, the purpose in life is to be happy. Nobody put you on this earth to feel like sh-t. I think the point of existence is to make the journey the best that you can. Create your own circumstances.”

On not wanting to be stereotyped: “I knew that American pop culture was not used to seeing Indians outside the box. I was definitely not signing up for something like My Big Fat Punjabi Wedding. Or something where people would see me as a Bollywood actor with, like, 15 people coming out of a car and all of those stereotypes. I wanted to be able to shift that narrative, because that’s the India I know.”

On the age difference with Nick: “People gave us a lot of sh-t about that and still do. I find it really amazing when you flip it and the guy is older, no one cares and actually people like it.”

On the terrible article from The Cut calling her a “global scam artist”: “Nick, Joe, Sophie, my mom, his parents, everyone was there furiously typing on their phones. They were so mad…. Commenting on some stupidity means it eventually becomes important because I gave it importance. A lot of people don’t understand that way of thinking. It’s not a myopic thought … it’s a long-term plan.”

Indian fashion: “Saris are my favorite. My problem is when it comes to Indian fashion, there are always these shiny, sequined, over-the-top Christmas-tree outfits. Those are not the saris I wear. I grew up with my mother wearing saris to the hospital, as a doctor. She’d wear these beautiful ones made of French chiffon, with a bindi over here,” she says, pointing to her forehead. “And the nape of her neck would smell like Dior’s Poison. That, to me, was a modern woman. And that’s what I want to show the world. Indian designers make such incredible clothes that are inspired from beautiful embroidery and patterns.”

On her body: “I’m a very curvy woman. I like my curves. I embrace them. It took me the second half of my 20s to understand this, but I would love for people to understand it from me saying it as well.”

[From InStyle]

The only thing I really dislike is that Priyanka describes herself as “curvy.” She’s not. She has a great figure and a proportional bust, and the reason why she was able to break into Hollywood was because she did NOT look that different from American celebrities – she’s a beautiful woman with a nice figure, it’s not groundbreaking in that sense. Also: I love saris too and I also associate them with beautiful silks and embroidery, not tacky, shiny, cheap-looking material. Bring back classic saris.

Cover and IG courtesy of InStyle.
