The Hampton Court Palace 'ghost' that was 'captured by security on CCTV'

Publish date: 2024-07-05

Believing you might have seen a ghost is one thing, capturing it on CCTV is quite another - especially when you think it might be the ghost of Henry VIII or maybe one of his ill-treated wives!

That's exactly what Happened though at Henry VIII's famous palace at Hampton Court when security guards got the fright of their lives in 2007.

The 16th century palace is well known for alleged hauntings, and in December 2003, rumours began to swirl that security had caught something on CCTV. In that month, the Daily Star reported that something very strange had been seen on the South West London palace's surveillance.

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It all started when security guards began to notice fire doors they thought were shut, being left open. They went out to secure the doors each time before returning to their office to view the CCTV - to see who - or should we say what - had opened them.

On the second occasion the doors were flung open, the guards noticed a spine-chillingly spooky image of someone apparently in period dress lurking in the doorway.

Even weirder was that a around the same time, a visitor had noted in the visitors' book that she thought she had seen a ghost in the palace. One of the palace's security guards apparently said of the apparition: "It was incredibly spooky because the face just didn't look human."

Over the years numerous sightings of ghosts and spirits have been alleged at Hampton Court. It's perhaps not surprising given that it was the home of Henry VIII who we all know had two of his own wives beheaded.

Jane Seymour, Henry's third wife who died in child birth is said to haunt the palace. She is said to have been seen walking calmly downstairs from the Queen's apartments, wearing a white dress and carrying a candle.

Catherine Howard's ghost - the fifth wife, whom Henry had beheaded - is also said to re-enact a chilling scene where she runs top the chapel screaming to plead with Henry while he was hearing mass.

But there are plenty of sceptics. A resident who lived in the palace for 35 years, Mr Ernst Law, said Catharine Howard's screaming was simply the wailing of cats. But Law did tell the story of a woman who lived at the palace in the 1860s who used to get woken by rapping sounds on her bedroom walls. The matter was never investigated, but a short time later, workmen digging just outside the lady's rooms found two skeletons buried in the ground that were assumed to be of dead soldiers.

There are many other ghost stories surrounding the palace, perhaps as you might expect. One tells the tale of a policeman who was standing on duty outside the building when he saw a group of figures approaching along Ditton Walk. As they got closer he noticed they made no sound apart from the rustling of the ladies' dresses.

The PC prepared to open the palace gates for them, but as he did so, they changed direction and headed towards another gate, as they did so, they formed into a procession going two by two, then suddenly just melted into thin air.

Shpoooooky or what!

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